Kakaobauern bei der Arbeit

German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa

Our Goals: To improve the living conditions of cocoa farmers, protect natural resources and biodiversity and increase the cultivation and marketing of cocoa certified to sustainability standards.

Our 12 individual goals

Kakaofrüchte und Pflanzen


Our monitoring: Since 2021, the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa has been monitoring the contribution of its members to achieving the common goals.

Since 2022, participation in monitoring has been mandatory for all GISCO members.

Monitoring the results


Our member project: Our aim is to improve the living conditions of cocoa farmers and their families, to conserve and protect natural resources and biodiversity in cocoa-growing countries, and to increase the cultivation and marketing of cocoa certified to sustainability standards.

Goals, impacts and partners

10 Sep.

Online-Seminar “Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) for Retailers” von ICI

10:00 - 11:30
Externes Event, keine Registrierung über die Webseite des Kakaoforums. External Event, no registration via the GISCO website.
12 Sep.

World Confectionery Conference 2024

@Brussels, Belgium
Die internationale Confectionery Confrence und Austellung bringt globale Akteure der Süßigkeiten, Snacks und Backwaren Märkte während der...
12 Sep.

ISCO Working Group Monitoring

11:00 - 13:00
Die nationalen Initiativen für nachhaltigen Kakao in Europa (ISCOs) haben fünf Arbeitsgruppen gebildet, die die gemeinsamen...
24 Sep.

Online-Seminar on Tony’s Chocolonely’s Open Chain

14:00 - 16:00
Transparency, long-term relationships and paying a higher price - How does it work in practice? 
30 Sep.

Digitalkonferenz zur Unternehmerischen Nachhaltigkeit

13:00 - 18:00
Zertifizierte Nachhaltigkeit als Chance - der ZNU-Standard Nachhaltiger Wirtschaften 2024 "Die nachhaltige Transformation in Wirtschaft und...
01 Oct.

AG Nachhaltigkeit

01 Oct.

AG Kommunikation

Datum für die Oktobersitzung folgt. (Platzhalter) / Date for the October meeting follows. (placeholder)
17 Oct.

ISCO Working Group Child Labour

14:00 - 15:30
Die nationalen Initiativen für nachhaltigen Kakao in Europa (ISCOs) haben fünf Arbeitsgruppen gebildet, die die gemeinsamen...
01 Nov.

Online-Seminar November

Thema, Datum und Zeit folgen hier in Kürze.
06 Nov.

ISCO Working Group Traceability

Die nationalen Initiativen für nachhaltigen Kakao in Europa (ISCOs) haben fünf Arbeitsgruppen gebildet, die die gemeinsamen...

Video messages from Côte d'Ivoire

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa (GISCO), cocoa farmers involved in the PRO-PLANTEURS project report on the progress they have made since the start of the project.


Our Project PRO-PLANTEURS: Learn more about the role of women in the cocoa sector, how cocoa is produced and how trainings help farmers to professionalise in sustainable cocoa farming.


The aim of PRO-PLANTEURS is to professionalise 30,000 cocoa-producing farms and their organisations in the south of Côte d'Ivoire in order to improve the living conditions of the families through an increase in income and a balanced diet.

Mamadou Zie Bamba, director of one of the cooperatives of the project, confirms the success. Through training, the entire management and in particular the accounting of his organisation could be significantly improved.

Learn More