Voices from the project
Our work
We spoke with...
Alida, Fulgence, Marguerite, Jean Michel, Fleur, Nouho, Cécile and many others. They are all part of the project PRO-PLANTEURS. Here, the participants introduce themselves and tell us about their experiences within the project. They also tell us what is particularly important to them.
PRO-PLANTEURS is a joint project of the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa (GISCO), the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Ivorian Coffee-Cocoa Council (Conseil du Café-Cacao). After a successful first phase, a five-year follow-up phase began in June 2020.

“Give women more responsibility!”
Alida N’Takpe-Coulibaly
president of the SCOOP-RASSO cooperative in the Agboville region of southeastern Côte d'Ivoire. In the interview, she talks about the important role of women for the Ivorian cocoa economy.

“Even though it's difficult for young people, with courage we will make it.”
Fulgence Ady Doffou
Managing Director EPAA. He talks about his path to becoming the managing director of a service unit and the challenges that now have to be overcome.

“I want to reach as many women as possible!”
Marguerite Mallet Ahiman
head of the SOCASA cooperative (Société Coopérative Agricole du Sanwi) in South Comoé, Aboisso region. She explains why she and the cooperative are part of PRO-PLANTEURS.

“It is in the interest of young people to have the opportunity to pursue their careers”
Jean Michel N'Gafonna Soro
Service Units Supervisor Cabinet Léveil Entreprises

“Thanks to PRO-PLANTEURS I have learned everything important.”
Fleur N’Dri
is the director of the COOP-CA ESPOIR cooperative in the Abengourou region of eastern Côte d'Ivoire. Fleur talks about her hopes for Ivorian cocoa farming

“Through the trainings we have seen points we can improve and now have our own management.”
Nouho Diaby

“I am overjoyed when I see that our work is helping.”
Cécile Kongoua
is a rural advisor for the COOPRA Espoir cooperative and leader of a women's group. She talks about her experiences and the demands of her job as a rural extension agent.

“After the training, the board of directors saw the importance of hiring an accountant and of providing him with all available data on the organisation.”
Mamadou Zie Bamba
Director of KGS

“I wish that my children receive good education and that they can have their own cocoa plantation.”
Marguerite Malé
cocoa farmer from Aboisso