The members of GISCO elected new Board members at the 2024 General Meeting.

The Board of the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa consists of appointed and elected representatives.

Member group A

  • Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, represented by Dr. Artur Ickstadt (appointed member)
  • Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, represented by Jens Busma (appointed member)

Member Group B, German Cocoa, Chocolate & Confectionery Industry:

  • Aldo Cristiano, Ferrero
  • Dr. Torben Erbrath, BDSI (appointed member)

Member group C, German food trade:

  • Florian Schütze, Schwarz Group
  • Christian Mieles, BVLH (appointed member)

Member group D, civil society:

Evelyn Bahn, INKOTA-netzwerk


At the 12th general meeting of the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa, the members elected their new board. Parliamentary State Secretary Dr. Bärbel Kofler (center) welcomed the members of the association at the Federal Ministry for Development and Economic Cooperation in Berlin. The head of the cocoa cooperative ECAM spoke as an expert on cocoa cooperative ECAM, Assata Doumbia (center-right).