26.11. - 26.11.2020 |

bis 26.11.: Public Consultation zum Thema Holzhandelsverordnung (EUTR/FLEGT)

Veranstalter:  EU-Kommission

Ab sofort und bis zum 26. November: Teilnahme an Public Consultation zum Thema Holzhandelsverordnung (EUTR/FLEGT) "Illegal logging – evaluation of EU rules (fitness check)" - siehe:



Ziel dieses Konsultationsprozesses ist es, die Meinungen der betroffenen Öffentlichkeit und eines breiten Spektrums relevanter Interessengruppen einzuholen, um die EU-Kommission darüber zu informieren, ob die Holzhandelsverordnung ihren Zweck erfüllt.

Target Group:

EU Member States’ authorities in charge of the implementation and administration of the EU Timber Regulation and the FLEGT Regulation;
Concerned citizens from the EU and from third countries;
Third countries’ stakeholders, including those from wood-producing and wood-processing countries exporting to the EU, such as law makers, public authorities and communities from these countries;
Businesses and trade associations, including SMEs and micro firms, that must adapt their commercial activities according to the FLEGT Regulation and/or the EUTR;
Consumers who purchase timber products and consumer organisations;
Other non-governmental organisations, particularly NGOs, with high interest in the issue of illegal logging;
International organisations which monitor illegal logging on an international scale;
Stakeholders representing the forest sector e.g. forest owners, forest managers, concession holders, national forest agencies;
Research institutions.

weitere Informationen siehe: hier