Newly revised background paper: Child labour in the cocoa sector in West Africa

In this newly revised background paper, the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa (GISCO) presents the current situation, challenges and existing solutions regarding child labour in the cocoa sector.

The elimination of child labour is one of the biggest challenges in cocoa farming. According to surveys for the period 2018/19, 1.56 million children were affected by child labour in cocoa production in Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana alone, the main cocoa-growing countries.  
The elimination of prohibited forms of child labour in accordance with ILO core labour standards in cocoa farming and the improvement of the living conditions of cocoa farmers and their families is a central concern of GISCO and its members. The members of GISCO are committed the abolition of worst forms of child labour in cocoa production. (Goal 6)
Click here to read GISCO‘s newly revised background paper on child labour, which includes key data on child labour in the cocoa sector as well as information on GISCO’s efforts towards its elimination.