First training session of another 17 cooperatives from PRO-PLANTEURS successfully completed

59 managers and employees from 17 PRO-PLANTEURS cooperatives took part in a four-day training course in Yamoussoukro from 30 July to 2 August.

They will complete a total of four face-to-face training sessions lasting several days until March next year. The first training module provided the participants with knowledge in the strategic management of a cooperative, such as harvest planning. Further subjects are the preparation of a development and work plan for the following year and the development of a more defined service offer for the members of the cooperative. "With slightly different training content," says Régina N´Guessan of TechnoServe, "we want to adapt to the development needs of each group of participants."

A distinctive element of PRO-PLANTEURS is the supportive coaching. Through the subsequent professional support in the day-to-day processes, the trainees will be able to deepen and strengthen the acquired knowledge through practical application. Experienced coaches of all three project areas will support the project.

The course is part of project component 1 (professionalisation of cooperatives).


For more information about PRO-PLANTEURS click here.