Consultation for ISEAL good practice guide

ISEAL asks for feedback, expertise and insights that can help to develop the ‘ISEAL good practice guide on verification of jurisdictional claims’.

Please click here to see the draft of the guide from April 2020 as well as the link for the consultation

The Consultation is open till 15 July 2020.


The International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labelling Alliance (ISEAL) is developing a good practice guide to help ensure that sustainability claims made by jurisdictions, landscape initiatives and the companies that source from or support them, are credible.

This new guidance aims to be a practical tool for jurisdictional initiatives, and to complement and be integrated into other frameworks that are being developed to support jurisdictional or landscape approaches - such as LandScale, IDH VSA, SAN Blueprint, and others. 

More information on the consultation, the webinars and the guide.